Time planning Completed
Client Attero
Location Dak van Drenthe

The Project

Wijster, Drenthe, is home to environmental company Attero. Their approach? Efficiency, sustainable and safe operations. Core values shared by Trisoplast. Not for nothing have we been an important partner of Attero for decades, carrying out various projects such as under-, intermediate- and top-sealing at their landfill sites. The top seals and impermeable facilities we applied in Wijster since 2014 are a fine result of that collaboration.

Installing at speed

The recent application of the 1st phase of the top sealing of "Het Dak van Drenthe" with an area of about 100,000 m2, on the VAM site, immediately turned out to be a major challenge.

The challenge was to completely cover the 10 hectares within a very short period because that part of the landfill had to be used for the 2023 European Cycling Championships (EK). The finish of the EK is on this “Dak van Drenthe” (or VAM mountain, as it is also known), which had to be heightened compared to previous cycling events like the Tour of Drenthe and the last Dutch championships. It was promised to the EK organisers by the province that Het Dak van Drenthe would be ready to ride the EK over it. Trisoplast accomplished this, together with several partners, and the entire terrain is nicely sloping with various steep and flatter sections, which was no problem for Trisoplast to apply.


  • Dak Van Drenthe
  • Dak Van Drenthe (1)
  • Col1